Thursday, February 09, 2006


so here i am in my 'office'. another day, another noon, another feeling of dread and doom... cornelia crestwood who resides in a cubicle on my floor talks about small town living and how great that sounds. i'm starting to understand her. who cares if they're a little more narrow minded and have loads of bush signs in their yards? i like busch beer! who doesn't!! it's just sometimes, even though i feel the breeze of a thousand winds, i wonder if there isn't more to this thing called life. i wish you could see the pensive look that's renting space on my face right now. it's quite deep.

on a lighter note, xavy bought me the sweetest yankee candle yesterday. periwinkle poison, it's called. i hope he isn't trying to tell me something. something besides 'YOU'RE GREAT!', i mean.

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