Wednesday, March 08, 2006


the book is burned. the baby's on the stove but not in the oven. i just heard that henry rollins is the host of the henry rollins show. i don't understand why. i think merv griffin should host the henry rollins show. it would probably be better. not that i've ever seen it. i'm only guessing. i'm sad that the gay man who loved the bears got eaten by them. this is not how life is supposed to be! the bears are supposed to love you back and love you forever.

i feel queasy but i must talk to hundreds of people next week. makes perfect sense.

yankee candle that goes best with human avoidance:


NiolK said...

Hmm. Yankee candle that goes best with the above?

lp said...

for those about to spam, we f'ing hate you.