Wednesday, August 09, 2006


it's so easy to be lulled into thinking no one cares about your dumb blog when only ten people read it. i wonder if i even have ten readers, anymore. ten is the loneliest number that you'll ever do, actually. they say it's one but it's easier to feel alienated in a crowd, i say.

but i don't want to be a bummer - not after i've been gone for so long! and i haven't really been gone. ok, well, i did tour manage that australian band for a week but other than that i've been here staring at the dog for days on end.

that is, until i went to chicago and experienced the joy of... wizard world.

now i have never been to a comic convention. i don't know that i will ever go again. but seeing black thor, skinny spiderman, and fat superman... there are dorks of all sizes, ladies and gents. i'm glad to know that dork does not discriminate. i sort of thought it was limited to pale, skinny white boys but alas... that's just not true!

to see more of what i saw: dungeons AND dragons

yankee candle that goes best with geeks dressed as storm troopers: may the gorse be with you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm one of the 10. Infrequent posts leave us all wanting more. I would like for you to write captions for your Wizard pictures. As I looked at them, I kept hearing your likely commentary.