Wednesday, April 12, 2006


i have returned home, dear readers! aren't you excited!

i spent a week in cali-forn-i-a or californication (although i don't like the rhcp anymore) or hell. oh the stores, the bores, the chores! some friends threw me what is called a 'bridal shower' although i don't really understand that term because there was no showering involved. at least not to my knowledge.

oh - you say 'bridal shower???' yes, i know it comes as some surprise but puddinbun and i are actually getting hitched. yes, he popped the 'question.' he said, 'sweetietums' (because i am like candy AND antacid) 'i love you. will you do me the honor of becoming my ball and chain?' and well.. who could say no to that! certainly not me!

so anyways... the shower was grand and i got the requisite victoria's secret gift card which i shall spend on something other than lingerie because the thought of putting on anything with lace gives me a rash.

time to whip out your 'goin' to the chapel' yankee candles and light one in honor of yours truly!


NiolK said...

Did you also skip the light fandango?

Good call, I too no longer like the chili's.

Congratulations Sugarennie.(Sweet&antacidy)

lp said...

why yes, and then i turned cartwheels across the floor.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the bridal shower. I never had one....
I've read most of you posts, trying to get absorbed and understand your writing, but my efforts to the second attempt, more than often, failed. I blame it on my English, but somehow I liked it. I mean not my not being able to catch the utter meaning, of course.

lp said...

thanks. it wasn't much of a shower - more of a dinner with two friends and some excellent gifts and a door prize. maybe i should work on my writing comprehension. no one seems to understand it. the real answer is... occasionally i am myself telling a half truth. less often a whole truth. but occasionally i am someone else completely spewing silliness.

Anonymous said...

Allright then, I am relaxed a bit. I think it is quite noram to be carried away - I mean you start something and the writing takes you deeper and deeper into it.. no wonder your readers experience some comprehension problems.
off topic: what is a door prize?

lp said...

gosh - what is a door prize. something you win at a party is probably the easiest way to explain it. funny with the writing and misunderstandings - i just want to mildly amuse others... and myself. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 'door prize' - you know some words and expressions are not taught for foreigners, that's one of the positive side-effects of reading blogs :)

Anonymous said...

all this time and I thought you could actually win a door.

lp said...

who says you can't?