Tuesday, April 25, 2006


and the world feels peaceful. who knew that getting a dog would make life better? oh you did, you say? well, then...

so the world inside these walls is a nicer place today but what about the world outside? a ridiculous war still wages and america two-steps ever closer to a theocracy. some even rumble about a fascist state.

vote democratic, live in a democracy! you heard it here first. now to get those bumper stickers made...


Anonymous said...

I used to have a dog myself. And it was really peaceful to watch her sleep.
It's very good if the inner world is peaceful, because a peaceful you is able to tolerate the outer world, however unpeaceful that is.

The Dog of Freetown said...

Dogs are responsible for the way the world is. George Bush's best friend is a dog. And the person who guides him? "God", sayeth he. Of course he's dyslexic and he means "dog".

lp said...

but you are a dog. as am i. what does this mean? i hate to think we are responsible for the evil that's out there today...