Friday, February 02, 2007


last night i went to see ej dionne speak on 'religion, social justice and the welfare state'. i struggle with my views on welfare and religion (as separate issues) but dionne's lecture gave me hope. compassion is a virtue that can easily span money, religion, race, sexual orientation and gender. as he said regarding the person with a family whose factory job has moved overseas, 'there but for the grace of god go i.' he also spoke about the pendulum shifting back from the hard right and i certainly hope so. i've seen enough unchristian behavior from evangelicals (and dionne was always sure to make the distinction between white and african-american evangelicals, which i thought was interesting) to last me a lifetime. not saying it will stop but seeing it slide out of the forefront of mainstream media would be a welcome change.

i mentioned mary cheney yesterday. much has been made of her father's interview with wolf blitzer and cheney herself came out (no pun intended) with a statement about how her baby is a blessing from god and not a prop, she deserves privacy, etc etc. well, i'm sorry ms cheney but when you put yourself in the public arena, you put yourself out there for public scrutiny. given the president's policies towards gays and lesbians and your subsequent decision to work as the head of your father's re-election operation, is it not a bit hypocritical to cry foul now that you want to start a family? ok, a lot hypocritical.

however, this brings me to the larger issue of why is this news at all? i'm not sure what kind of parents cheney and her partner will be but it irks me to no end that same-sex parenting is looked down upon when so so many heterosexual people fuck it up but good.

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