Wednesday, January 31, 2007


so dear readers of which there are probably very few left... it was one year ago today that i started this little diary of mine as a possibly bad joke. sometimes it was mildly amusing. sometimes boring. for long stretches nothing. it was hard to keep up with my grishams and my yankee candles and still bring entertainment to the masses.

now that i'm old and married it's harder and harder to be someone else. i have jon bon jovi's voice in my ear and he's telling me that we've got to hold on to what we've got. it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. well, is that entirely true? i suspect the gap between making it and not making it is rather large.

it's been a long year of teen fiction and chick lit and i'm beginning to wonder about the other members of my gender. living in kentucky has also made me question members of the opposite sex, as well. actually, living anywhere makes me question everything.

are we all just living tiny lives of quiet desperation? i hope not. is the internet bringing us together or splitting us apart? why do people post horrible rude junk on message boards - things they'd never say in person? probably because they know they'd get their asses kicked if they said them in public. can we develop an internet ass kicking? obviously, the web allows us to be more free in our expression. the jury's still out, i think, on whether, like martha says, that's a good thing.

yankee candle that goes best with anniversaries and self-absorption: perennial narcissus

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