Monday, January 30, 2006


i admit it! i have a new crush! now i know that elias, my boyfriend of several days and years, months and weeks, will be devastated but just look at this guy! i saw him at the quickie mart this morning and snuck this photo. then i followed him home.

i think i will leave him a nice gift-pak of yankee candles. he will FOR SURE love me then. he looks like he might like 'cinnamon buns', 'tantric gardens' and perhaps an 'olive ingenuity' votive. we'll see!!!


Anonymous said...

maybe you could leave some of that samoa ice cream as well. have a feeling he might like that too.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you met & fell in love with Dave Grohl at a quick mart!

lp said...

i know! isn't it just super special?! he really responded well to the candles and we have a big date scheduled for thursday at 3.27 pm!