Thursday, March 02, 2006


yes, there was a day not too long ago that i shed tears. how many centuries has it been? there is little that i remember now before the creation of this known world. i knew life before that great event too... there's some trace of the being i was then, of Galan. how many of us are there that claim to be the last of a "great civilization" or the sole survivor of a "distant, doomed planet"? far too many for humanity to be concerned with i'm sure. and there it is, again, this troublesome worry of mine revealing itself in the manner which i speak about you humans. perhaps i've been so determined to consume Earth in hopes that your collective humanity will save me from the lack of mine. i think it must be in the attempt at recounting what my life has been, in that endless maze of memories, distinguishing what is true and what was just hope, that i find myself trapped and that the one thing i cannot devour is a deep rooted despair.

1 comment:

NiolK said...

Insane. Scary. Yet moving. I weep for you devourer of worlds. I feel your pain.